Friday, June 27, 2008

10 Months Old

I went to see Dr. I for my nine month check-up on the day that I turned 10 months. I weight 18 pounds one ounce (20%), my length is 28 in. (40%), and my head circumference is 17 1/4 in. (40%). Dr. I has never used preemie growth charts with me. He must have known how quickly I would catch up. Mommy always says to me, "Who was six weeks early?" I loved playing with the paper on the table and the other fun toys that Dr. I used to look in my ears and etc. But, I got my first poke. They drew my blood to make sure I'm not anemic or have lead poisoning. No shots this time around. Here is a pic of my bandaged arm from the poke.
They gave me red guaze to match my outfit. Daddy dressed me in my Kasey Kahne outfit today. Vroom, vroom!

Daddy asked the doctor if I could have a little bit of ice cream and he said Yes! Yeah! But, I would have been liked to have been warned that it is cold...

What's that mama doing now? She says she is vaccuming. I think she is making a lot of noise.

I'm surprised mommy and daddy bought me another bath tub for outside. But whatever... I'm happy to splash inside or outside!

June 23rd I took my first functional crawling movements. My butt and hips all worked together. Sometimes forward, sometimes backward but regardless, mommy says the end is here! I got a treat. Mommy let me have some of a doughnut. It was sooooo good. Of course I made a BIG mess. This is Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Bill's Anniversary.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mommy's Week Off With Me

My mommy's vacation started off with the air going out on a hot, humid June night. We ended up going to Grandma and Papa Wusik's house earlier than expected. I was cranky and crabby and would not let my mom get anything done at home. I didn't even let her pack without crying. So she asked our neighbor, Karen, to watch me while she packed.

We first had a wedding celebration to attend. My mom's cousin Katie was married. We had a great time. Katie looked beautiful. Best of luck to Katie and Will. I was a little cranky and was happy when it was nap time. Thanks Uncle Marty!

Grandma and Great-Grandma put together my outfit with beautiful tatting pieces. (Daddy isn't too fond of this picture so just focus on me like I knew you were going to do anyway :)

I met three of my cousins for the first time and my Aunt Stephanie. I'm the only girl on BOTH sides!!! I'm not spoiled...


I rode on a swing at the park for the first time. That is fun!!! Cameron helped push me.


I visited Aunty Sarah. Mom and her decided that I needed my own blog.

I also like the air jump toy that Aunt Stephanie bought us to play on at Grandma's house.


I visited with my great-grandparents Redecker at a picnic dinner.


I went to two parks, and a garage sale. I visited with Danette, a friend of the family, and met some other friends from when my mom and aunt were in high school. I spent the rest of the day playing with my cousins. Brandon is playing with me and my dollhouse.

Grandma and Papa took us to the Brookfield Zoo. Lions, Tigers, and Bears. Oh my!!!

I liked feeding mommy my crackers.

I was so tired that I needed a twenty minute nap before the dolphin show...


We rested and I got to see my daddy!!!


I gave my daddy a Father's Day card. If you don't know by now, I'm a daddy's girl. I've got him right where I want him. Here's a blast from the past.

We also celebrated my cousin Aaron's Baptism today. His godparents are my mommy and daddy.
Some of my most recent milestones are:
-clapping my hands together
-sitting-up on my own from a crawling position
-lunging/crawling towards an object I want
-wanting my mommy if someone else is holding me and I'm tired

I had a great week off with my mommy visiting family in Crown Point. Mommy says she will miss me when she goes back to work tomorrow morning. I will miss her too!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My First Post--Nine Months

Only nine months old and writing my first blog. Aunty Sarah will be so proud of me!

Some of the things I love:


-a dry diaper


-my passy (pacifier)

-my mommy and daddy

-my toy puppy (mommy says no real ones)

-the camera

-Did I mention eating?

I'm still working on my first tooth and crawling. I know how to rock on my hands and knees and sometimes go backwards. Overall, mommy says that I'm a good baby. I did have colic and was a preemie but those days are long gone...Summer time is here and I can't wait to turn one in August. I'm currently working on memories for my next blog entitled "Mommy's Week Off With Me."